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For many years i was an advid super soaker fan, i visited Super and sometime in early 2000 stumbled upon the dead super soaker web-ring. and then i found Aquatechnology now and then the Nexus,and in July Aquatica. I said i want a super soaker site, i had a few crummy sites but now i actualy sat down and started working on it. Thus on July 21,2000 6:30 PM, Aqua Zone vs.1.0 was launched. Origanally to be called Soaker Central, the name was changed to The Aqua Zone I applied for the web-ringand i got in on July 31,2000 also that day The Aqua Zone version 1.5 was launched,it featured nicer images and a hit counter. During the August-November period there where several minor updates. In December 2000 like most major sites The Aqua Zone shut down for major updtes The Aqua Zone version 2.0 featured pull down menus and individual review pages and Strategy pages. A new logo was also added. As for the future Macromedia Flash has been thought of as well as many other things but time will tell. In December 2001 Aqua Zone moved to a new server. AZ continues to evolve and grow to the changing needs of the SS Community.
Aqua Zone Version 1.0 DetailsClick here for picture Aqua Zone 1.0 was rather crude and no copy exists online.
Aqua Zone 1.5 No copy of this site exist online service time August 1st-Decmember 20th 2000 Improved many things reviews still cluttered and hard to find. However an example page can be found HERE
The Aqua Zone 2.0 In this phase AZ improved reviews and made a large Tactical Database a copy of this site exists online at Aqua Zone 2.0
Aqua Zone 2.7 Service time March 29 2001-December 1 2001
This version of Aqua Zone cut out cheesy effects made the basic site easier featured content upgrades. The sites gome page was fixed up making it much more professional. It was a major step up. Not radical but different. AZ 2.7 A major portion of this site still exsists online. Most pages are preserved but some are still active.
Aqua-Zone 2.9a: The new version of AquaZone featured many good things. However it was altered enough that it was considered replaced on March 1st. A earlier copy of 2.9 can be found HERE
Aqua-Zone 3.0: AZ3 Featured reduced font sizes and some more visiual flares then the previous version. Still based on the same Body as 2.9, 3.0 is still a major step foward. AZ 3.0 in my opinion is the 1st time AZ reached a somewhat proffesional design. The G2 Design will serve for along time.