Welcome to The Aqua Zone's Tactics section, here expect to find high quality tactics on Training Troops, Attacking, Defending, Trap Setting, and other things to give you an edge over your competition. Also The Aqua Zone guarantees only working or successful tactics are posted here.
Training: In any Super Soaker fight having trained soldiers is a great asset. Before selecting loyal soldiers to fight for you soaking cause consider these things. Location: Do they live 5 minutes away or 5 miles away the closer they are to your location the easier it is to get them to battle instead of needing to drive or be driven they could simply walk or bike. Character: Do they easily go back on their words do they want to do this or are you forcing them? Arsenal DO they have any soakers a SS-50? A MonsterXL? If the don't do you have to supply the soaker or will they be willing to buy one for themselves. Next Step After asking you and your future soldiers questions tell them to meet up at someone’s house for a "Soaker Boot Camp" The Soaker Boot Camp is the ultimate testing ground for seeing if you’ve recruited faithful people for your army trust me soaker boot camp is hell. Of course there are 3 approaches to soaker boot camp. Method 1 Light: On a nice hot day get them outside and start target practice and other various activities such as seeing how long they can take it having ice water being pored down there back. Make them pump the weapon they want to use most of the time over and over, make sure they become very familiar with it. Method 2 Moderate: Do all things mentioned in 1 but include more physical activities such as making them do push ups, and jumping jacks while shooting them with a hose all over them and also after that have them all line up and begin hosing them down and the last one who doesn't quit gets a treat or doesn't have to participate in the next exercise. Method 3 HELL:All things mentioned in method 2 but also scream and try to demoralize them and make them repeat things like they do in the army. Also be sure to dump bucket loads of water on then when they are not expecting it. Also blind fold them that they will get dumped with water but cant say anything or more just keep still then surprise them with a bucket of water keep repeating until one moves or fidgets or quits then have the other gang up on him and soak him to death.
After Soaker Boot Camp you should have a basic fairly well trained army but much more training is need before achieving warrior status. Training Battles: Have lots of training battles on all different terrain after about 10 of them you have warriors and after eliminating any guys who you think couldn't take it be assured that what you’ve got is a kick ass fighting soaker fighting force Graduation Ceremonies: After all that hard work its time for an award be sure to shake there hand tell them there rank based on performance, and then after the formal stuff let them dump a bucket of water over your head you deserve it after putting them through soaker boot camp. This Completes Training Guide
Attacking with a Army of 2-3This toatal also counts yourself. Depending on how many soldiers the enemy has im assuming its a fair fight if it's not scroll down. If it is your best option is to stick together snd keep your base self defended with watermines and string. Then you and your comrades should procede slowly to enemy held territory stealthfully trying to have the element of surprise if at night before you engage shout out a war cry it can really shatter someones nerves. When taking on the enemy try to have balenced weaponry like a CPS-3200,XP-310, and a CPS-1200. With a balenced amout of weaponry you can have the 3200 out soaking every one on 20x instantly the 310 provinding cover and the 1200 directly engaging. 4-5Counting Youreslf! When up in theese higher numbers you can have some people have specific tasks like Scout and Sniper. When goin to engage try yo keep your base well self guarded with mines and string. Perhaps break into 2 groups and if the enemy is at there base attempt to flank them vy 1 team going on each side and begin charging them scattering some and leaving the rest to futily fight to stop the 2 way onslaught of men. If the enemy has a hose at there base a commen case be sure to try to disable it berforehand with a quick sabatoge raid by 2 people with light arms like the XP-270 then while they are busy screwing it back on or plugging the holes you made with scissors (don't do that unles you have the money for a NEW one) begin the flank. 6-9Counting Yourself! With this many people you can have a patrol group and an attacking group. The patrol group consists of 3 people walking in intersecting paths along your territories perimeter they should all have personal radios (ie walkie talkies) ready to relay back to HQ and the Field team about the happenings like "shot one enemy but he still got across persuing him now" or "need reinforcements NOW! 7 enemy troops spotted on eastern perimeter moving fast!" then the field team would come to help and the other patrol men. The field party consists of the rest of your team they are basically the attckers they do the attcking while the patrollers make sure no enemies are trying to get in. 10+Counting yourself! You should have 3 patrollers, 1 OFBS, and a Sniper. The rest should attack the sniper sneaks up and shoots unsespecting enemies before they know it then ducks back for cover. OFBS as described more in the Ranking System stays inside and looks up any info relayed to him. With a group of this much make sure the leader is strong he needs to eb able to keep them together. Outnumbered by 2 or more Play defense keep all your men except for like 2 if you have 5 or more in your base and then wait for the enemy to come to you, most likely after a while of wating they are going to drop whatever they are doing go find you then get hammered by trying to penatrate the base. Ofcourse this alamo scenario might not always work so if your not confident about playing defense try guerrialla stle hiding in a bushes then attacking then running hit and run works good like that. This Completes AquaZones attacking section.