When this thing came out last year I said "I'll never get one so expensive and not nescesary." Well I was wrong I got myself the Monster XL. This gun is sick it weighs more then any other blaster, It weighs as much as a CPS-1200 when its empty! When I put this thing down in my armory err....garage I looked at the MonsterX and it looked small! Of course actually using it in a mobile battle would be toatally useless pumping is so agonizing that I keep this guy right next to my QFD. If you ever have a grude agaist the guy up the block load up your MXL and he's going to have the grudge against you. So how bout those nozzles you ask? They are as insane as the gun. Theres the 5x they fire on for ever and ever, and really soak your opponent good. 8.5x fires a decent time and eliminates anything in your path. 11.5x Stand Clear it's like having two CPS-1700 shoot you at once on 10x. The diamond shaped nozzle fires a good concentrated beam of water on its poor target. There is one shower head and that showers your opponent with "deadly" beams of water. And then theres the criss-cross nozzles it's kind of neat but not too effective. The most strange nozzle of all doesn't even soak oyou one bit it does nothing! Larami put an off nozzle on this beast making your stream of choice not on off fire longer. Now if you ever used it in combat work out your arm with some excercises, Like lifting weights and stuff like that. Overall deadly and not very deadly deadly in the form it can soak anyone in it's path, and not deadly in the way that you have to be able to pick it up and pump it first. SUBMITTED MXL REVIEW BY: Jim Johnson (LJ)My monster xl info.
I bought this gun thinking I would rule the whole block. Well... I was
wrong. I took this roughly 3 foot long beast outside for a test as soon
as I got home. The first time I used it, it was GREAT! shot a thick
stream a long way and never seemed to stop. But once it did stop I
tried to reload it again. The problems began. First it started loading
fine. Then it started giving off the loudest screech I've ever heard.
I tried to shoot and all presure was gone and I had to empty the gun out
by pumping it. (which took forever). I tried again and again to get it
to work... but still nothing... so I took it back and got my $90
canadian dollors.
Overall this is a sweet gun if you get one that works. Its a little
heavy but why would u wanna run around when you got the legs to rest it
on, making you a smaller target. :) I think my gun was defective but if
I ever did get a good one i would rate it... 8.5/10