The CPS-2500 has never been operated by The Aqua Zone so little is known about it has 3 nozzles 5x 10x and 20x the replacement for theCPS-2000 Pros:? Cons:? Rating:?
Submitted 2500 review by Rocky:(WaterZero)
CPS 2500
This is probabally the only soaker I would cherish. All my other
soakers are all beaten up, written on and all that other stuff.
My new CPS 2500 allways looks like it just came out of the box-In
pristine condition. If you ever buy this gun, you'll understand.
The CPS 2500 is supposed to be a succesor to the CPS 2500. Larami
so anyway its in there faq section. This is there response to a
someone asked them
( And oh yes. I did not ask Larami if I could use this. So I made a
poem for
A CPS 1-3-5 is red,
An XP 310 is blue,
I don't own Larami,
So please don't sue.
Now to the Question...
Why did you stop making the CPS 2000?
And the answer...
We stopped making the CPS 2000 after the CPS 2500 was made. There
basically the same, Just that the CPS 2500 has 4 nozzles and the 2500
different colors.
Note: the part where I said the CPS 2500 has 4 nozzles is not a
I am not trying to put the CPS 2500 as a bad gun, but a sucessor?
right! The 2500 is no where near the capabillatie as the 2000!
That is all the bad things about the 2500. The rest is all good. ( and
has 1 or 2 bad things from now on.)
The CPS 2500 has three (!) nozzles. They are rated as 5x, 10x, and
5x packs a punch and is good on conservation. 10x is good for everyday
fights. 20x is the ultimate drenching tool.
The 2500 is a good gun. It is powerful but has 1 major flaw-a
resivor. Sure, 3 litres sounds like a lot, but when you are a trigger
person ( or someone who fights on 20x all the time) but the shots eat
that water like popcorn!
Overall, the 2500 is a good gun I recommend buying it.
~ Rocky (Water Zero)
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Submited Review by J Maul
I bought my CPS 2500 in 1998 for $30. Its now 2001 and its still the
farthest reaching Cannon Ive seen. I tested it against the MonsterX
yesterday and the 2500 slammed it in every category.
There are 3 different nozzels. The 5X 10X and the 20X. The distance
each is very good. THe 5x and the 10x reach approx. 27 feet. The 20x
near 25. the 20X is impressive. If your within ten feet of someone, you
soak the heck out of them. Its like getting hit with a short burst of
garden hose. only problem is its a one shot deal. The 5x is obviously
for conserving water, but feels as if there is too much pressure behind
The 10x feels much better. I can generally get around 3 really good
out of one pump on 10x.
The water tank is another good quality on this cannon. It sits on the
back, and is easily refillable if your using the strap. You would think
all the weight in the back would make it unbalanced. Maybe if your a 4
kid, but not if your a bigger guy. Im 6'1 and have absolutly no problem
running at full speed after someone.
Probably the absolute best thing about the 2500 is the slender design
has. The neck is real thin. This allows you much more comfort when
running, or just standing around. The first thing I noticed after
getting a
Monster X, was that it didnt fit comfortably against my body. All that
stupid cosmetic junk just got in the way. And if your going to be
around for awhile waiting for the battle to start, it DOES make a
Carrying around
2500 all day in that environment is no problem.
The MonsterX though, different story. You're basically reaching around
The pressure gauge is nice to have also, and mine still works great.
I've read reports from on other sights complaining about the pump.
The Moster X is way smoother in that respect, but the 2500 is still not
any way difficult. takes about 25-27 pumps to fill it.
Another cool thing you can do with your guns, is paint over the stupid
with model spray paint. The CPS 2500 lookes real dumb with its orange
and white body. Some paint fixed that problem and now it looks real
Take some newspaper and masking tape, and cover up all the cool parts
you still want to keep. Then hang it with some of your dads good rope
from a
branch in a tree. Now, if you've never spraypainted before (hard to
as that may seem) your not going to want to paint it all in one session.
you just pile that paint on in one sitting, its gonna chip like hell.
do one light coat and then let it sit for about 30 minutes. Then do it
again. After its done, take it down and hang it up to dry overnight in
laundry room. Also, dont forget to take down the painted up rope
and put
it back. Getting paint to dry on smooth plastic is harder than you
Next morning run like lightning downstairs and SLOWLY peel off the
Yr gun should now look WAY cooler, if your artistically inclined
what-so-ever. I have painted right over the nozzel selector and then
twisted it loose the next day. You'll find that some of the more oily
plastic will chip easily, but the dryer stuff will look awesome. The
*will* chip and come off in spots, so dont get all balled up trying to
it immaculate. Remember, its supposed to be fun.
Warning to all dumb kids. If your a dumb kid please dont paint your gun
black. Remember, cops WILL shoot you if they think they're life is in
danger. Keep at least part of it some florescent color.
Alright, kinda got off track there.
THe CPS 2500 is an awesome cannon, and if you0r lucky enough to have one,
waste your money on a monster class.